You can find on this page the Athens topographic map to print and to download in PDF. The Athens elevation map present the topography, river and relief of Athens in Greece.

Athens elevation map

Map of Athens elevation

The Athens topographic map shows elevation, hills and landforms in Athens. This elevation map of Athens will allow you to know topography, river and relief of Athens in Greece. The Athens topographic map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Lycabettus Hill is considered as one of the most romantic places in Athens that no one, whether they are in a romantic mood or not, should miss. With a height of 277 meters (745 ft) as its shown in Athens elevation map, Lycabettus is the tallest hill in the capital and the highest elevation point in Athens, offering a panoramic view of almost the entire city. The view from the top awakens emotions and provides unforgettable moments.

Mount Lycabettus (/ˌlaɪkəˈbɛtəs/), also known as Lycabettos, Lykabettos or Lykavittos (Greek: Λυκαβηττός, pronounced [likaviˈtos]), is a Cretaceous limestone hill in the Greek capital Athens. At 300 meters (908 feet) above sea level as you can see in Athens elevation map, its summit is the highest elevation point in Athens and pine trees cover its base. The name also refers to the residential neighbourhood immediately below the east of the hill.

Mount Lycabettus is the highest elevation point in Athens as its shown in Athens elevation map. Pine trees cover its base, and at its two peaks are the 19th century Chapel of St. George, a theatre, and a restaurant. The large open-air theater has housed many Greek and international concerts. The summit can be reached on foot up the path that starts at the end of Aristippou Street in Kolonaki or by taking the funicular ($8.20) which leaves from Ploutarchou and Aristippou Streets. We opted for the path on this comfortable spring day.